Wrinkled-Raisin-Reruns - Crafts

Craft ideas on taking used items and re-purposing them or re-newing them in crafty ways to give them a new life instead of ending up in landfills. Perhaps giving you the courage to take some of that "stuff" around your own house and making use of it! I also hope to help in your craft endeavors to save you money.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

CRAFTS For Kids - Simple Project

This is just one of those rainy day (snow days, here in the north) craft projects, you can do with your kids/grandkids, at very little expense (under $2.00).

The next time your at a dollar store/yard sale/second hand shop....and see one of those plastic tissue box covers....pick it up just for the occasion when the kids are driving you nuts! I bought one for $ .25 at a second hand store.

While you're at it....keep an eye out for some cute tissue paper, wrapping paper, or any paper that has a design on it that you like and will go with your decor where you will keep this tissue holder. Also pick up some white glue....I don't care what brand. A couple of inexpensive foam brushes (our dollar store has them in a package of 10).

Now when the mood (or kids) strike you as needing some kind of creative outlet....bring out these supplies. Tear your paper/tissue into small pieces that will be easily manageable for the kids. Water down the glue...no more than 2 parts glue to 1 part water. Place newspaper all over the table to work on....that way you don't have to worry if the kids get glue on it.

Now let the kids take the small pieces of paper, brush them with glue, and paste them all over the outside of the tissue holder. It doesn't matter what direction the paper pieces go in....I can assure you, the end result will look fine. Just supervise to make sure they get the edges glued down as well as not having any air bubbles under the paper (this is why you use "small" pieces). This will probably take about an hour to cover the tissue holder....more than enough time for you to somewhat loose your sanity!

Once the tissue holder is covered, set it aside to dry, and clean up the mess (make them help)! Now you need to put a good three coats of glue all over the tissue holder (letting it dry, inbetween coats). When this step is done....take fine wet sandpaper and, using small circular motions, sand the glued tissue holder to a smooth finish. Again, you will have to let this dry completely. One or two coats of polyurethane, completes the project.

Now you have a keepsake that you're kids made, that also happens to go with your decor! (I know I can never find a tissue box that matches or goes with anything in my home!) And, believe me, the kids will be happy that you let them help with a craft project!!!

Speaking of kids' gifts.....does anyone want (or have a need for), a lime green frog head lamp!


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