Wrinkled-Raisin-Reruns - Crafts

Craft ideas on taking used items and re-purposing them or re-newing them in crafty ways to give them a new life instead of ending up in landfills. Perhaps giving you the courage to take some of that "stuff" around your own house and making use of it! I also hope to help in your craft endeavors to save you money.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Victorian/Vintage Chic Shabby Crafting

I'm a sucker for this kind of look! Not only are you, most of the time, using re-cycled objects to achieve this look, but in my opinion you're also giving your place a more homey feel. I think everyone should have at least one or two objects/pieces of furniture, that are from this style.

I came across this absolute, cute, very inexpensive to make, craft idea.....on another website! I wasn't going to mention it here because I have seven sisters that this would apply to as a gift! But, what the heck...no sense in keeping it to myself....they could also make gifts for their friends.

Since I come from such a large family.....do you know what happens to your mother's china set....yep...it gets divied out....a couple of pieces to each child. Although I'm happy to have received it....what do you do with one place setting? Well the above mentioned teacup/saucer lamp at least let's me see my portion of the gift without it being packed away somewhere never to be seen!

For your friends....I know we've all been in second hand stores or at garage sales, where you've seen the lone teacup and saucer that was soooo cute....but what do you do with it! Next time.....I'm buying it!!!


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