Wrinkled-Raisin-Reruns - Crafts

Craft ideas on taking used items and re-purposing them or re-newing them in crafty ways to give them a new life instead of ending up in landfills. Perhaps giving you the courage to take some of that "stuff" around your own house and making use of it! I also hope to help in your craft endeavors to save you money.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

DIY Tools for Women - Absolutes for Crafting and Repairing A Lot of Things!

Getting into this realm of fixing/crafting furniture and other things, has caused me to spend a certain amount of money on tools. Nothing is more aggravating and time consuming, than not having the right tools for a craft project that you want to get done! Early on, in my projects, the basic tools (hammer, screwdriver, small saw, etc.), was all I needed. As I took on larger projects.....believe me....if you have the right tools for the job....it'll go a lot smoother!

There haven't been a lot of quality tools out there for ladies.....yeah, you could get one of those cheap ($10-$20) tool sets you find at department/hardware stores, that come in their own little case (I'm sure you've seen them....pink or floral handles), but if you really put them to the test as a crafter, they just don't hold up!

If you use a man's tools....they just don't fit in your hand right, causing undue stress on your joints. And the power tools are HEAVY! I had bought myself an 18V power drill and was working on a porch rail at my home. By the time I got to the last screw that needed to go in on the rail, I had no strength left to put any muscle behind it! Thank goodness, a male neighbor came home at that point, and I had him finish drilling that last screw in!

Well, times are a-changing! The best lady's drill that I have come across, although it is only a 12V, does a super job and is light weight because the battery is worn in a case on your hip! And, go figure, it was designed by a lady (Barbara K)! Why the drill manufacturers didn't come up with this idea a long time ago (for us women), is beyond me! Consumer's Report had a group of men and women test this product, and it perform with flying colors by both groups.

Now Barbara K also has other hand tools specifically made for a woman's hand and strength....so check those out if you're looking to replace some of your "man" tools with ones that are more ergonomically suited to women.

Another good craft tool that I think every crafter should have is a Dremel Rotary Tool. There are soo many things you can do with this tool....too many to count! I've used it for sanding (small areas), deburring, cutting off long screws (so that I didn't have to go to the hardware and buy the right size), cutting plexiglass, cutting intricate patterns in wood (easier to control than a jigsaw). They're small and light weight.

If you can't afford these for yourself (although neither are expensive - right now, you can get the 12V drill, brand new, for $25.00 plus shipping....check the link and look under "New and Used")...ask for them as a gift...that's how I got mine! The Dremel's are costing much less now than when I got mine and are reasonably priced if you go for one that comes with all the accessories. You can also keep your eye out at yard sales and flea markets....and possibly get a really good buy if you happen to find them this way.

As I come across more lady's tools for your craft projects, I'll post them here on my blog.....or if you know of others that are user friendly to ladies....let me know in my "Comments" section and I'll check them out.


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